Saturday, 21 July 2012

Going Slow with Dr. Low

This is a photo of my family yesterday at Sylvan Lake, Central Alberta's most popular summer holiday destination.  We've been here slowing down for a few days now and absolutely loving it!

Yesterday my wife asked me why our life can't be a little more like this all year round.  My immediate response was, "Because then this wouldn't feel like a holiday or be called a holiday if life were always like this all the time."  She clarified, "Not exactly like this, but a little more like this."  She went on to explain her desire to live life more intentionally how we want - according to our values, hopes, dreams, priorities and faith convictions.  In other words, she's not asking that our whole life become like a holiday - that's unrealistic and not God's intention - but she would like our life to reflect some of the values that holidays brings out in us - rest, enjoyment, family time, focus, joy and so on - all very good things to persue year round as much as possible in our everyday lives.

How about you?  When you're on holidays this summer is there something you would like to bring home with you to make the rest of your year a little more abundant?  Not every day can be a holiday but every day can be a holy day if we're living the abundance God has for us.  It's good to slow down once in a while so we have the time and attention to ask God what He wants our lives to look like.

What does a life or freedom and abundance look like to you?

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