Monday, 2 December 2013

No More Lone Rangers

It was a last minute decision one night this past summer to go see the Lone Ranger with some friends. Here are some words that describe the Lone Ranger: mysterious, unknown, vigilante, angry, alone, (insert your own word here)______________.

Lone Rangers are arriving on the youth ministry landscape on a regular basis, I’m sure you’ve seen them. They are not bound by age, gender or ethnicity, however those are a few of the commonalities to Lone Rangers.

Two common characteristics of Lone Rangers in youth ministry:

1) No Team: they like to run everything yet complain how much youth ministry is draining the lit out of them. They don’t actively recruit volunteers yet work well with who they have. They maintain all the authority never releasing anyone from their team to pursue where God is leading them. It’s all about control.

2) No Community: it is all about their youth ministry. They do not connect with other youth workers from other groups. It’s all about in-reach and no out-reach. Remaining alone, they don’t want any help from anyone, no advice, no help, no mentoring, no coaching. They will gladly listen but they will write off any advice. They are arrogant and they believe they know everything.

Successful Youth Workers have two common characteristics:

1) Know Team: the success of the team is paramount. Releasing the vital areas of the ministry to the volunteers and students. 

2) Know Community: they realize that they will not reach every student for Christ. They partner together with other youth ministries because the scope of their impact is greater together than alone. Creating synergy around the things that unite them, by focusing on Jesus.

What thoughts or questions do you have about Lone Rangers?

A Recovering Lone Ranger.
Jeff Smyth

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