Sunday, 19 January 2014

Give us this day our daily bread

We all know the bread God is talking about is a metaphor for His life giving bread. Or is it? 

In addition to spiritual food, we do need real food too (fyi - Twinkies don’t count as real food). It’s a necessity of life. So how do those that don’t have any, get it? Early on in the Lord’s Prayer it says: “...let thy kingdom come...”. That’s the fun part -  we get to participate. 

Leviticus 19: 9-10 “When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the Lord your God.”

Worldwide, 870 million people – about 1 in 8 – are hungry . That’s nearly 25 times the population of Canada. Why so hungry? Many families depend entirely on what they can grow, so they’re never more than one natural or manmade disaster away from hunger. Just imagine…  your parents, siblings, friends, entire youth group, grandma, the Biebs …all hungry!

Here’s a couple easy ways on how you can respond:
  1. Give thanks at every meal and eat your greens
  2. Take an inventory of the contents of your fridge and plan how you’re going to use them
  3. Invite someone to dinner who may have trouble making ends meet
  4. Pass this wisdom on by doing the 30 Hour Famine with your youth group

About me: I live a pretty simple life... trying to love God and treat others as good as myself... I epically fail at this but mercifully God loves me anyway... different cultures inspire me... the outdoors is my passion... I'm pursuing my MDIV / Masters in Counselling at Tyndale... I spent 22+ years in the skate / snowboard / entertainment / marketing / retail industry at the executive level... led the charge at West 49/Billabong for 12 of them... I've worked in youth ministry leadership roles for more years then I can count.. after many moons in the corporate world I switched to the dark side and am currently the Manager of Youth & Student Campaigns at World Vision Canada... but more then anything I love giving my heart to mentoring and helping youth! #lovelife #dreambig #keepitreal #socialjustice #jesusjustice I/T @cindymielke

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