Sunday, 16 February 2014

Love a refugee

February... the month of L.O.V.E. Why do so many people hate Valentine's Day? Be they single or in a relationship, so many dislike the marketing, the forcefulness or... the loneliness. But it doesn't get much lonelier then for the refugee.

Maybe we just need to change our actions so we can think of this month differently?

Leviticus 19: 33-34 (MSG) “When a foreigner lives with you in your land, don’t take advantage of him. Treat the foreigner the same as a native. Love him like one of your own..."

This February I want to challenge you and your youth to love a refugee. After all, refugees partially exist because of our power-hungry nations' conquering actions of the past that made this world an unequal place. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power"  ~ Abraham Lincoln

Here's a few practical ways to love an immigrant that's moved to your community:

1. Show this video to your students. It helps paint the picture of how our unequal world was created and move your students towards action:
    2. Find out where in your community special services are offered to immigrants such as learning English or becoming acclimated to the community.
    3. Encourage your students to befriend someone new in their school.
About me: I live a pretty simple life... trying to love God and treat others as good as myself... I epically fail at this but mercifully God loves me anyway... different cultures inspire me... the outdoors is my passion... I'm pursuing my MDIV / Masters in Counselling at Tyndale... I spent 22+ years in the skate / snowboard / entertainment / marketing / retail industry at the executive level... led the charge at West 49/Billabong for 12 of them... I've worked in youth ministry leadership roles for more years then I can count.. after many moons in the corporate world I switched to the dark side and am currently the Manager of Youth & Student Campaigns at World Vision Canada... but more then anything I love giving my heart to mentoring and helping youth! #lovelife #dreambig #keepitreal #socialjustice #jesusjustice I/T @cindymielke

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