The world is a cathedral, a temple, with God in every crack and crevice, the miracles of water, air, fire, green growing things surround us. When did you last really notice them? If we take a moment to pay attention, we can fall into a still, humble, and prayerful space of awe and of gratitude. The world glows with the consciousness of God, and our noticing is all it takes to make it's Holiness real in our lives. The world is alive with the glory and beauty of God. This practice is for Earth Day invites us to pay attention, notice and savour the great gifts of God.
Creation Prayer
This practice invites people to take a close look at something from the natural world and then write a prayer about the experience. You can do this practice inside with a number of items from nature (pine cones, rocks, feathers, old bird’s nest, drift wood, etc.) set on a centre table, or you may ask people to go outside and explore.
Have an envelope containing a piece of paper, pencil, the directions, and the Psalm (see below) available for each participant. Before beginning the task, share in the opening prayer below. Hand out the envelopes and allow at least 15 minutes for the practice. It is helpful to call people back with the ringing of a bell or prayer bowl. When they return from their reflection, invite people to put their written prayer work into a bowl and then invite each person to select one and share it aloud, without further comment from anyone. End with a repetition of the opening prayer.
Opening Prayer:
Creator God, artist God, building, moving, and living God. Your colours collide in the beauty that is all around us in air, earth, water, light, and one another. Be with us as we pay close attention to your creation and what it means for us. Amen.
Pass out envelopes. Ask people find a place of stillness within them and then to read and follow the directions in the envelope.
Directions for inside practice: Choose one item from the table that speaks to you. Take it with you and find a quiet place to sit. Read the following Psalm scripture while holding the piece of creation in your hand. Notice it in detail. What is miraculous about it? What about it speaks to you?
Directions for outside practice: As you are in the natural world outside, walk around for a little while until your eyes and heart rest on one piece of creation, tiny or big. Find a quiet place to sit and be in its presence. Read the following Psalm scripture as you keep noticing and paying attention to your particular piece of nature. Notice it in detail. What is miraculous about this piece of creation? What draws you?
Then, when you are ready, use the paper and pencil provided and write or draw a prayer of thanks for the created world, perhaps focusing on the piece of nature that you choose to pay attention to. When you are called by the bell, take the prayer back and put it in the bowl on the centre table. Your poem or picture will be chosen by someone else in the group and they will share the words or image with the whole group, without naming who created the work.
Psalm 148
Praise the Blessed One!
Give praise from the heavens,
and from all ends of
the earth!
Give praise all you angels,
angels of earth and of heaven!
Give praise sun and moon,
give praise, all you shining stars!
Give praise, all universes,
the whole cosmos of Creation!
Praise the Blessed One!
For through Love all was created
And firmly fixed for ever and ever;
Yes, the pattern of creation
Was established.
Give praise to the Beloved,
all the earth,
all that swim in the deep,
And all the winged ones in the air!
Give praise all mountains and hills,
all trees and all minerals!
Give praise all four-legged
and all that creep on the ground!
Let all people praise the Beloved,
who is exalted in heaven and
on earth;
whose glory is above heaven
and earth.
For all are called to be friends,
companions to the true Friend,
giving their lives joyfully as
co-creators and people
of peace!
Praises be to the Blessed One,
the very breath of our breath,
the very Heart of our heart!
© Psalms for Praying An Invitation to Wholeness
Nan C. Merrill ISBN: 0826417558
© This prayer practice and all of those on the
Sunday Morning Blog Post can be found in: "Go Deep: Spiritual
Practices for Youth Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC and the Director of World Pilgrim Awareness Travel.
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC and the Director of World Pilgrim Awareness Travel.
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