Friday, 13 April 2012

Youth Ministry FAIL

Youth Ministries have failed our youth and families for too long. We have focused on only two areas of youth development:
- physical
- spiritual

We know how to watch out for the physical changes that youth go through and we even help parents and youth through this process as best we can with the relevant information. We also help students and their families with the spiritual development from acceptance to asking tough questions as a normal development of youth from jr. high through high school and college. Where we have failed in youth ministry is that we have stopped right there.

Youth are very complicated beings yet when it comes to any other development and their stages we ignore them.
What about emotional, social and brain development? Do you take any of these aspects into account when you lay down the various forms of your programming or teachings or Bible studies?

Tomorrow from 9am - 1pm (est) a few of us will be attending One.Day Underestimated for youth workers. This event is being held in Toronto and will focus on the four key "Ages and Stages" of youth development. Jr. High and High School facilitation track where youth workers can share their ideas, thoughts, failures and success's based on the 4 stages of youth development.

$10 youth ministry training that you can miss if you can join us live.

Follow the conversation online
Twitter: #ODU
Live Blogging:

Jeff Smyth is husband to Heather and father of one active boy Nathan. He has been involved youth ministry for 15 years in both the local church and non-profit areas of Canada. He has been serving for the past 3 years as the coordinator of community initiatives with the Scarborough area of Youth Unlimited (Toronto YFC). Learn more about him by visiting his blog or follow him @jeffsmyth

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