Friday, 23 May 2014

Calling Your Bluff

It started off innocently enough: my daughter Kayla and I were enjoying some quality daughter-father time when I noticed that she had left her Disney Princess Snakes and Ladders game (and all its pieces) scattered on the floor near my bed.  I noticed because I stepped on one of the pieces (I think it was Snow White) and it felt like she went right through my left foot.

“Kayla,” I exclaimed, “put your toys away or I’ll throw them in the garbage!”

“Go ahead!”

I was quite surprised at her reaction; this was one of her favourite toys!  But instead of following up on my threat, I explained to her that she needed to clean it up both from a tidiness and safety perspective.  Thankfully she obliged.

I shared the incident with others and most of them called me out as a wimp (in the most loving way). Parents, friends, and family willingly shared stories from their past and encouraged me to exhibit some tough love.

All because my 6 year-old daughter called my bluff.

Which got me many times do we use bluffs in youth ministry?  And what happens when young people actually call us out on them?

I’ve written numerous times on the importance of relational ministry and how we must earn the right to be heard: young people won’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.  It goes without saying that the two best ways to build and strengthen relationships with young people are to talk with them and to hang out with them.

Like any relationship, there will be ups and downs...but for the sake of the relationship we persist.  We encourage. We inspire.  We affirm.  We challenge.  And sometimes...we bluff...even with good intentions.

My exchange with Kayla from earlier in this week reminded me of the importance of being truthful and of following-up.  Thus:

  • When you tell a teen you are going to pray for better pray for her.
  • When you promise a reward to a better end up giving it to him.
  • When you tell a teen you don’t know the answer to her better find it and relay it back to her.
  • When you threaten a teen with a better administer it if you desire a change.
  • When you tell a teen that you’ll go to his basketball game or school better be there.

All young people want from us is to be real.  To be genuine.  To be authentic.

That’s how we go “all in” with young people. The stakes are simply too high not to.

Clayton Imoo is husband to Gail and father to sons Sean Isaiah and Jacob Isaac and daughter Kayla Marie.  He has served as the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver for the past ten years, helping parishes develop their own youth and young adult ministries.  When not doing ministry, Clay enjoys spending time with his family, playing music, playing sports, playing naptime, and writing blogs on topics such as family, faith, and the Vancouver Canucks.  Learn more about him at or follow him @claytonimoo