Saturday, 16 February 2013

Going Slow with Dr. Low

Slowly Putting on the Armor

I have been aware of the armor of God my whole life but never made a huge deal of it nor took full advantage of it.  It was something I learned at Bible Camp and Bible School and certainly have prayed it through several times but last week I slowed down and used it more intensely and specifically than ever before.

I spent over an hour with one of my Spiritual Life Coaching guests helping him put on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6 one piece at a time, one situation at a time.  We basically walked through the rest of his day, very specifically, step by step, putting on each piece of armor to protect him from his regular attacks.

Before we started this he shared with me that he often recites the armor in his morning prayers.  "That's great!" I said, "but what about a few hours later?"  It's not that God fails us a few hours later or that the armor isn't strong enough to last through a day, it's that we forget as the day goes on and even drop pieces of armor that get heavier to carry.  Picture an actual soldier - the image this practical analogy is built upon - no soldier can carry around all the armor all day - it's too heavy.  Instead, a wise soldier keeps the armor close at hand, wearing what he needs when he needs it, and holding up the pieces he needs when he needs it.  No soldier walks around holding up his shield or sword all day but has them ready for when he needs to lift them up again.

So I encouraged him to continue starting his day like this - great practice - but to continually go through the armor throughout the rest of his day too, in very specific situations.  I told him not to do this in a fearful, paranoid way, like you're dropping your armor every 5 minutes and God's Spirit does not last longer than 10 minutes - that's not the proper view.  It's simply wise to be ready, be alert and to pray continually as Scripture suggests several times.

Like most other spiritual practices this takes time and slowing down, even if it's just for a few minutes on our coffee break, lunch break or bathroom breaks throughout our day.  Otherwise, if we race through our days, dropping pieces of armor and forgetting promises of truth along the way, we leave ourselves open to the negative and fearful lies that fly at us all day.

May God equip you to live out His truth all day every day!

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