Saturday, 9 February 2013

What You Wear Affects What They Hear

You are asked to speak for an event, how do you dress? Seriously this is a public speaking tip! Do you want to be taken seriously? Do you want to make a strong first impression? Researchers say that 60% to 70% of communication is non verbal. People assume things about you before you even open your mouth especially if you are a youth worker. You have something valuable to say so start off on the right foot.

Speaking of your right foot make sure you are wearing comfortable non noisy shoes. There are many thoughts that goes through a listener's mind, eliminate as many distractions as possible. I was speaking to a small group of girls when one of them out of the blue broke out and said, "I've just got to say something. Your vest is buttoned up wrong. It's been bugging me this whole time!" This was after I delivered 3/4 of the presentation. My shirt was a distraction to her from my message. This isn't a bad case of A.D.D. it can happen to anyone. Can you remember a time when you were blinded by someone's attire? Maybe it was a strand of hair that kept getting the Justin Bieber head shake every 30 seconds by the presenter.  Look in front of a mirror before you present to reduce the number of distractions.
You are looking through your closest trying to decide what to wear for your speaking engagement. 
Here is a simple rule I learned that will help you dress to impress: Wear one dress code higher than your audience.
If your audience is wearing blue jeans (casual), dress semi-casual or business casual. This includes relaxed pants, corduroy, khaki's with open collar shirts, and vest.
If your audience is business casual then dress semi-formal put on a jacket, a blazer ladies, and guy's you'll need a tie. Lastly if everyone is wearing semi-formal attire...You guessed it you go formal.
You've worked on your message and it's ready for delivery. Present your gift to the world in style and don't forget the wrapping.
For More information on dress code click the link.

A member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) Alison has dedicated her time to developing her gift of Public Speaking so that her listeners would believe the truth that she shares and to raise up other strong youth communicator’s in Canada. She has been speaking full time for four years and has recently graduated from Youth Speakers University. Currently residing in Calgary she is also the Founder of The Young Women of Power Conference and Movement. To have her speak at a function email her at  

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