Ellen says...
After going through Stuck with a small group of women, I can say wholeheartedly that I LOVE this study! This is the freshest curriculum for young adult women that I've ever seen - and it is quality material. Short, high-impact DVD sessions and achievable weekly 'homework', and a really affordable curriculum - this is a winner. From Ellen's Picks
After going through Stuck with a small group of women, I can say wholeheartedly that I LOVE this study! This is the freshest curriculum for young adult women that I've ever seen - and it is quality material. Short, high-impact DVD sessions and achievable weekly 'homework', and a really affordable curriculum - this is a winner. From Ellen's Picks
About the resource...
Stuck by Jennie Allen
Bible Study, DVD Curriculum • Thomas Nelson • 9781418548735
We are often so stuck in invisible struggles in our hearts and minds, we barely have space for God. These deep struggles, these stuck places, are familiar to every one of us: brokenness, anger, discontentment, fear, and sadness. Stuck takes on these struggles within us so that we can encounter God. Because until we recognize that we are stuck and in need of God, we will miss what He has for us. Jennie Allen's fresh DVD-driven Bible studies are designed to draw women close to God and to each other. These shorter studies dig deep quickly, creating experiential conversations and allowing women to wrestle with Scripture in a deep and authentic way throughout the week.
Jennie Allen's Bible studies are designed to draw women close to God and to each other. These shorter studies dig deep quickly, creating experiential conversations and allowing women to wrestle with Scripture in a deep and authentic way throughout the week.
8 sessions on DVD + Study Guide, Leaders' Guide and "Conversation Cards"
An excerpt...
This study began for me out of a deep struggle—a stuck place. It would serve better to call it something a tad more dramatic . . . it was a war. The kind of war that happens inside of you, the kind that nobody sees. God versus me and all my junk. It wasn’t something I could even put words to at the time. In fact, those close to me were oblivious to the chaos ensuing behind my gathered exterior.
But it was real and raging, and even though I couldn’t describe it, I was keenly aware of its presence and was exhausted by it.
I was stuck.
I experienced a sense of bondage I could not name and did not know how to escape. The outside of my life was bright and shiny, but inside I was a mess: anxious, lonely, afraid, and looking for significance.
This study exists because I know I am not alone in this. The more I am let into the deep crevasses of people’s hearts, the more I am convinced that every one of us is fighting something. Yet we look out from our secret wars and see people who smile peacefully and seem to be all right—and we smile back at them.
I’m done smiling.

Many of us have known God for a long time—and honestly, we know a lot—but are we living what we believe? For some, this may be your first encounter with Him. Wherever you are, I ask and pray that you be honest. Pretense and pretending have never really been God’s thing. Not much tolerance for it. So my prayer is this study will be a safe place to explore God and your own heart. The state of our hearts and what we believe about God are the two most important things about us.
Excerpt from STUCK by Jennie
Allen. Copyright ©2011 by Jennie Allen. Published in Nashville, Tennessee by
Thomas Nelson. Used with Permission. All Rights Reserved
Born and raised on Vancouver Island, Ellen
Graf-Martin now lives in the heart of Ontario’s Mennonite country with
her husband Dan, where she continues to work in publishing and ministry.
Learn more about her work at www.grafmartin.com
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