Sunday, 13 May 2012

Spiritual Practice of the Week:  Bring Many Names

Today is the day we honor Mothering and this morning I'm preparing an afternoon worship service:  Honoring the Day of Mothering by exploring the Feminine Face of God.
Human beings have always tried to find words to express the unfathomable mysterious image of God.  The image of a mother hen gathering her chicks, the image of our soul's resting in God like in a Mother's arms, the nurturing and sustaining love of God, and Holy Wisdom (Sophia) the Spirit are some of the ways scripture has described this path of seeing God as we see a Mother.  For some this is their truth and as there are as many paths to God as there are people in the world, we can share openess and understanding around how people see God in our programmes with Youth.  Our human limitations to understanding ask us to name things, even to name what is un-namable.  This practice brings us into awareness of the many names of God.  It asks us:  Who do you say that I am? 

Repeating God's name:This practice is a meditation that uses repetitive mantra, or words that focus on the names of God. In some traditions, the repetition of God’s name is done with prayer beads or a prayer rope with knots in it. As each bead or knot is touched, the name of God is repeated by the one who prays. In calling God’s name, we are in a sense seeking God. Our calling out for the Holy One reminds us that God is here,with us no matter what.
Repeat the mantra below this practice three times. You may get your group of youth to brainstorm a list of words they use for God and create their own prayer. This practice may be one station in a spiritual practices experience or may be chanted as a whole group when you are exploring who God is.

Here’s a sample to try out:

This is a prayer to One of Many Names.
God, Creator, Spirit, Jesus.
Wise One, Holy One, Deep Mystery.
Universe Creator, Holy Spirit, Father.
Everything, Everywhere, Brother Jesus, Allah.
Ruah, Oneness, Being of Light.
Mother, Bringer of Truth, Sheltering Tree,
Breath, Music, Holy Three.
This is a prayer to the One of Many Names.
We call your name and know you are here.

The benediction for this afternoon's service:
Go in Peace, mothering all you know into a life of wholeness, joy and love. 
Go in Peace knowing that God our Mother, nurtures us to choose life and love. 

© This prayer practice and all of those on the Sunday Morning Blog Post can be found in:  "Go Deep: Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing.
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC and the Director of World Pilgrim: Global Education and Awareness Travel.

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