In early April The Gospel Coalition posted this article: A Brief History of Youth Ministry
The title is a bit misleading. While the article does include a very brief history, there is a much stronger argument taking place.
The opening line: "To read books on youth ministry these days, it is hard not to get the sense that this experiment we call youth ministry in the local church has failed."
When I first began reading the article I became very defensive. I almost stopped reading but decided to continue because the article was recommended to me.
The article presents a very aggressive critique on current standards in youth ministry.
As I said, I get defensive when I see stuff like that. I have devoted a large portion of my life to youth ministry and I believe in the work that I do. This defensive stance that I find myself in has stopped me from hearing criticism, prevented me from growing and caused me to push away healthy challenges.
This post has a dual purpose:
1) check out this article and let the dialogue on youth ministry challenge and provoke you. It raises great questions about para-church/local church dynamics, biblical literacy, theology, consumer culture, and attraction models.
2) I wanted to process my need to be affirmed in the way I do stuff. My hunch is that many of the people that read this blog share that same need. It is this need that causes me to push away, ignore or become hostile to any question and criticism. When I look back on my life five years from now I want to see growth, change and development in all areas of my life. Ignoring anything the challenges 'how' i do things will not allow me to grow.
I certaintly do not agree with all that was said in this article. However, this is a real conversation happening in the church and it would behove each of us to listen well, ask our selves tough questions, and refine our convictions and philosophy.
What do you think about this article?
How do you deal with criticism, question or challenge?
How do you fight the need to be defensive?
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