Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Annual Reports: Did I Make A Difference?

This school year went by so fast. It is time for a summer break with the long winter finally over. June is here and its time to reflect.
Usually in June circumstances such as graduation services, annual reports and statistics that need to be gathered force me to reflect on the past school. I remember the days when it seemed like I was failing. In comparison, everyone's youth ministries seem to be growing and my students were still struggling with major issues. I'd look back at the goals we set back in September and yes we made one but in this moment the unmet goals were prevalent in my mind. I had and still do have what I call Global Domination Size Dreams. I've always wanted to have my own talk show to positively influence the masses. I'd like to set up Girl Conferences in Barbados and throughout the Caribbean (That is where my family is from), I'd like to live on a Native Reserve for a month helping students break generational cycles. I want to empower a generation of girls to be bold. I want to rewrite movie scripts (Disney's Brave is on the top of my list). I've envisioned youth under my care in the media for their major contributions to society or being so grounded in the Word of God that praying is like breathing for them. I see them bringing Jesus to school where their friends and teachers end up getting healed physically and emotionally!
Do you have big dreams or multiple dreams? Perhaps you know people who are living your dream right now. When you have Global Domination Size Dreams the everyday steps you take in the present seem microscopic in comparison.
Perhaps you have a dream for your youth group, or the small group of students that you lead, maybe it's a dream for your family or your church and their role in the community. As you reflect on this past year, does it look like you've accomplished very little; that you still have a loooong way to go to fulfill your dreams? Are your parents or family members still hounding you with, "Get a real job!"

I found this commercial on a friend's page. The timing was perfect for me and so I share it with you. Watch this video and be reminded that the little things you do youth worker, matters and it counts. All the dollars you spent this year out of your pocket including gas money, coffee/slurpee money, the $10 you needed to pay to see their recital or theatre production without being reimbursed while you were barely able to make payments on your student loan or rent! Your actions and sacrifice may not be CBC news worthy, no one may ask you to speak at a camp or a youth workers conference this year. The who's who in your denomination or organization still has no clue of who you are or what you do. I remember that place but wait. Please, don't allow the waves of comparison; unmet goals, Global Domination Size Dreams and zero recognition drown out the significance of what you did today and yesterday. It matters and it all counts. In Earth's history books...the data is skewed; in Heaven's history book...your story is viewed.

Thank you for investing in students this year. You are the fulfillment of God's dream by being His hands and feet and beautifying the lives of others through your love. You are making a difference.

In Earth's history books...the data is skewed; in Heaven's history book...your story is viewed. 

Thai Insurance Commercial

The Founder of the Young Woman of Power (YWOP), Alison develops programs that are designed to build girls confidence such as the YWOP PivotFWD workshop which she delivers in Calgary’s Youth Judicial System and a citywide Conference. Alison’s heart for young women is to see the statistics of violence against women decrease and to see females become counter culture/culturally dangerous by growing in true confidence. For more info or to book Alison as a speaker visit 

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