Wednesday, 18 June 2014

REVIVE US SERIES No. 2: Disciples of the "Buddy" Church

The views and concerns addressed in this blog series are bigger than our youth. It is a reflection of how Christians young and old view the church and what we feel we need to do to make Jesus look cool.  To expose how we got here, each blog in this series will describe a church concept that students came up with, followed by a personal challenge from myself or one of the other panel members in hope of a personal revival in God’s people.

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. (Revelations 2:7)
Revive Us Oh Lord.


If money was not an issue what type of church would you build? Who would come? What would your church look like? 
This was the final group assignment given to Senior High Students at a Christian school. The panel was comprised of various full time ministers. Our role was to give students feedback on their church planting project along with an opportunity to gain some insight on what the next generation is looking for in a church. Instead our findings were startling as students delivered their presentations on their church plant. I came in looking for a little insight, but instead Holy Spirit gave us youth workers a snap shot of bigger problem, one that we created. These students response to this project is a reflection of various mentalities in the church. I am sounding the alarm with other voices, because "Houston, we have a problem." (Blog 1 in Series)


The first church was located in a new development. This was the Connect Church. Their mission was to serve God and have fun doing it.  The Connect Church has services at 10:30am for the old folks and 12:30pm for the younger generation. I asked the students, “How old is old?” A student responded, “35 and up.”  Grrrr. Punk kids!! I decided not to ask any more questions until they were done.  The pastor of their church was a preacher who was interactive. (That was all that was said about the Pastor) For the offering, if a person desires to give they can do so on their own time rather than a group collection. Each week the offering would go to a different organization except once a month when it would be designated to the local church.  (Oh, the things your church could do with a budget like that! LoL. Cool idea though) For weekly programs they had Worship and Wings. And we are not talking Ezekiel’s wings, but chicken wings. They’d sing some songs, hang out after and go out for wings or cook the wings at the church. Another ministry that the Connect church provided was the Landscaping Outreach. In their church building they have a place where the lawn mowers, trimmers etc. were stored. Those involved in this ministry would go out into their community and help new owners landscape their property. This is how they would minister to their community in a practical way. Brilliant!! They also had a ministry to the poor, where they would have a massive potluck dinner in the foyer of their church that they designed that was big enough to host such social events. (Somehow the poor would find their way out to that end of the city and bring a meal to share with everyone). This church had a youth, women and men’s ministry. And for the seniors, well they didn’t really know what to do with them, “Maybe a craft night?” sheepishly answered a student.
Lastly on their calendar of events was Prayer ministry Thursday nights.

This is a church for the socially lonely. The student’s favourite ideas and concepts were the landscaping outreach and Worship and Wings. When asked about by a fellow panel member who works for Youth Unlimited an organization that focuses on Evangelism to youth, “What is your churches strategy on implementing the Great Commission?” Silence.  Now awkward silence. Then a student broke the silence, “Can you explain that in a different way, we don’t know what that is.”

What will help the church grow? Acts of service to the community and having fun!  
The connect church had great ideas to connect with people, but for what purpose? Relationships. As the students talked about the Worship and Wings ministry, their eyes lite up as they spoke about their churches main event! With a strong emphasis on the Wings they never described what the worship aspect looked like, but they went into details about the gathering after and where they would get their wings from and the relationships that could get started there.

What does this reveal?
One of my colleagues nicknamed this the “Buddy Church”.  Clearly this churches heart was to have fun but their head knew, they needed to have a prayer ministry and a ministry to the poor and something for seniors. But was their heart in it?  How many people from the Buddy church do you think would show up to prayer?  Would any of those students attend?  No, but they would be there for Worship and Wings.
I’m glad our students know the different elements that go into a church but I am challenged by this, have we as youth ministers made church a Worship vs. Wings contest?  Have we put an emphasis on WINGS over worship?  I’ve learned that what are students pick up is a reflection of our own belief.

In your own life, when do your eyes light up? Is it in the eager anticipation of many voices in unity singing one song in complete abandonment and passion to the one you are in love with? Or do the great sounds of praise and cheers come the moment Sunday/Sabbath service or Mass is over and you get to talk to ‘buddy’? Do your eyes light up knowing you get to go home and get something to eat? Mmmm…wings.

In my own life I have spent a lot of intentional time trying to connect with students, whether it’s through my message, in a school or at my girls group. I’ve always looked for the invisible one’s to bring them into the fold. Clearly, that’s not wrong. However, somewhere down the road this has turned into a habit, something that I do to build relationships and try and learn student’s names as quickly as possible. Disciples of Alison Springer would build a buddy church. A connect church. I didn’t see it before, but at some point the do became work, and the reason why I was compelled to learn names and build relationships was lost. I’m not sure when it happened but now I serve God by serving people reaching out to the community in practical ways. I do this for the sake of people, not the sake of Jesus. Do I have a plan to live out the great commission?  Silence. Awkward silence. What do my students see me doing?  Reaching out to the community in practical ways, but how is my desire to see people come to know Christ expressed in my actions? I don’t spend time praying for my girls group by name, have I pursed them and stayed in contact with them after they graduated from my course or attend the conference? No! Because that’s more work and there is only so much I can do!! My cry is for more helpers!!

Do you find yourself in a similar place?  Since these presentations Holy Spirit has been convicting me and showing me all the areas in my life that I do for people and not for Jesus. I’m weary and don’t have the same excitement or jump for going to church and attending Tuesday night prayer services because like Samson, I’ve been doing my own thing, not realizing I no longer have divine supernatural strength. Now when I teach in the world, I’m getting beat up, and I leave exhausted not seeing much fruit.
My love for Jesus is why I originally got involved in everything that I’m involved in. But my eyes were fixed on the doing that I forgot all about the being, being in love, being full of joy.  Every morning waking up wondering what Jesus & God had in store for me that day. The last three weeks, I started going to prayer meetings Tuesday night not because I felt obligated to, because that pull hasn’t worked for a long while now. I go because I want to; I’m looking for something that I know can only be found in prayer, a deeper relationship with Christ. When I’m tired, in the rain on my bike, whether there are other things I can do, or people who want to connect with me, I will go because I want to connect with Jesus. This past week as I pursue my desire to fall in love with him, I’m meeting my neighbours, and people in my community.  We stop and talk and I’m remembering their names better. I’m having more God encounters with students that I teach at my course as I bump into them outside of my program. What?  The connections are all happening naturally because I’m seeking Him first and desiring to be in right standing with Him. All these things/connections that I’ve wanted are being added or given to me. (Matt. 6:33) Jesus said, through the cross He will draw all people unto Himself. (John 12:32) As I fix my eyes on Him, Holy Spirit taps me on the shoulder and I notice the people are coming.

Is the Connection “Buddy” Church the type of church your students/disciples would plant? 
Are you actively involved in your community planting seeds of love, but people are not introduced to Jesus?  Please, I’m not endorsing you to develop relationships with an agenda to convert people, far from it. But do you remember why you got involved in what you are currently doing in the first place?  Remember the love and excitement of learning more about Jesus, and consecrating your life to Him?  Do you remember the zeal?  It’s that love that draws. That first love, Jesus is calling you back to that place. Where your eyes are on him and not the next event. Where the emphasis is on the Worship, adoration and admiration of Him verses the activities, the creative play and talks.
Are you weary from doing good?  Fall in love again and be in love.

Youth Speaker & Founder of the Young Woman of Power (YWOP), Alison hosts conferences and develops programs that are designed to build the confidence of youth such as the YWOP PivotFWD workshop which she delivers in Calgary’s Youth Judicial System and the citywide Young Women of Power Conference. She considers herself to be a pastor to those who don’t want one or don’t know they need one. For more info or to book Alison as a speaker visit 

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