Saturday, 31 March 2012

Going Slow with Dr. Low

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday which marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent before the Season of Easter.  The word holy in Greek & Hebrew refers to “that which has been set apart”.  It could be a person or event or building which has been set apart for a special purpose, usually religious and usually in reference to worshiping God.  It is the idea of someone or something being separate from the ordinary, something sacred.  This is what Holy Week is supposed to be, a special week set aside that looks and feels different than the rest of the year as we prepare to honor the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Weekend.

You can't set something apart or make something special without slowing down long enough to pay attention to it and savor it.  This is why Christmas and Easter often sneak up on people so quickly and are over before you know it.  Holy Week is designed to slow us down and help us focus on Jesus so the Easter Celebration becomes a deeper, more meaningful experience rather than just another long weekend where we eat turkey and go shopping.

Over the next several days I encourage you to take a few hours, or at least several minutes, to focus more on Jesus than you normally would so that this week leading up to Easter would be holy indeed - set apart as a special time of personal prayer and reflection.

God bless you during Holy Week.

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