Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Money for Monkeys

One of the coolest gifts I have ever been given was some Chimp money.
chimp money is not a currency that is used by chimps.
Chimp is a online tool that allows you to give money away in a fun and thoughtful way.
I got an email one day saying that my friend gave me $30 to give away through chimp.
I signed up and there it was, thirty big ones, sitting in my account ready to be given to any registered charity I wanted.  I spent half an hour looking through different charities that I like.  I think I gave that first gift to a ministry called Gospel for Asia.  Since then, I have been able to use chimp as a platform to share the fun of giving with others and to help my wife and I give more thoughtfully.
Another thing i love about chimp; when I give to chimp, I get one tax receipt at the end of the year and I can give to organizations anonomously so I don't end up on lots of mailing lists, even though it feels cool to get mail.

Chimp is one little tool that can help create a culture of generosity.

You can find out more about it at chimpfund.com

Jason is the Director of Campusfire and Youth Alpha in Canada. He and his wife Rachael live in langley.  

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