I love how God's economy works. I must admit that I don't fully understand it and live according to it but I do want to grow in it. God is a God who takes our little feeble efforts and turns them into a supernatural contribution to the kingdom. Could you imagine if our youth ministries lived according to that?
I was reminded today of a great story from the Old Testament from 2 Kings 4:1-7 where we truly see that God was at work in the life of a family. A woman has nothing left, she literally has lost everything and cries out to Elisha as a last resort for help.
Question: How quick are we to turn to God for help?
Elisha tells her to go into her house and get her sons to collect jars from the neighbours. Could you imagine being the sons asking for jars from your neighbours even though when you don't know why you are asking for the jars.
Question: Who are you involving in helping solve your messes?
As the boys bring the jars to their mom, she takes her little contribution of oil and God supernaturally turns it into too much oil for the family as they run out of jars. The boys would have seen the providential power of God in the solution of their family's problem.
Question: What "little" contribution is God asking you to make so that He can supernaturally turn it into His solution?
This simple model of "little is much" in God's economy is a great reminder for us in youth ministry to show students how God truly works in the world today. God is a God who we need to cry out for help all the while involving the community around us to shoulder our mess. God is looking for us to make the initial contribution so that He can show His power.
At CYW, you have the opportunity to be generous by supporting a charity of your choice with $50 and having CYW and our friends over at the Chimp Fund match that $50. It is our way of partnering with you as you make a small contribution to this world.
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