Friday, 30 March 2012

Bullying in Youth Ministry

What do you teach from the bible about bullying?

If you don't have a plan, get one. Don't know where to start? Contact me, I'll help you. If you don't think it's worth teaching or even addressing in youth ministry, you should step out of your role in youth ministry and find another vocation?

Why do we only care about the spiritual lives of the kids in our youth groups and not their physical and emotional needs as well?

The Bully Project is in select theatre today.
MUST SEE movie for all youth workers.

Jeff Smyth is husband to Heather and father of one active boy Nathan. He has been involved youth ministry leadership for 15 years in both the local church and non-profit areas of Canada. He has been serving for the past 3 years as the coordinator of community initiatives with the Scarborough are of Youth Unlimited (Toronto YFC). Learn more about him by visiting his blog or follow him @jeffsmyth

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