Monday, 29 October 2012

Spiritual Practice of the Week: Connecting Hearts

Heart to Heart
This is a prayer to use as a closing for a youth meeting or as a way to deepen group connection. It is a practice of praying for self and another, and links a group physically and spiritually. To begin, have the whole group stand close together in a circle.

Leader: Take a deep breath in and out and place your left hand over your heart. Close your eyes if you wish. Feel the warmth of your heart where your hand is. Breathe deeply. In your own mind, offer a prayer for yourself,and what you may need on this day. 
(Time of silence for personal prayers)
Take your right hand and place it on the (left) shoulder of the person on your right. Feel your connection to this person, and in your own mind offer a prayer for their well-being and peace. (Time of silence)
Notice how we are standing in this circle of connected hearts. Feel the energy and warmth of these connected people. Offer a silent prayer for the life of this group. (Time of silence)
This is a circle of friendship, this is a circle of energy, this is a circle where God’s presence moves in mysterious ways. In this circle of care, in love and friendship, we give thanks. Amen.
© This prayer practice and all of those on the Sunday Morning Blog Post can be found in:  "Go Deep: Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC. 

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