The internet has killed the Sword Drill.
It is part of my day job to stay on top of trends when it comes
to video games, mobile technology and the general state of the internet. The existence of those three things has kept
me employed for the last 5 years. A
major theme that I keep running into is how the internet and mobile technology
are continuing to destroy traditional old world business. In the late 90s we saw the upheaval of the
music industry with the invention of Napster, which completely changed the way
people obtain and consume music. Most
recently we’ve seen the print industry take a hard hit, with many major
newspapers losing money and declaring bankruptcy.
I know for myself the last time I read a paper was probably killing time
on an airplane and soon every plane will have wifi access, so that won’t last
much longer.
With the invention of smart phones and the
internet it has silently taken out this great heritage. It has been silently killed over the last decade and no one has seemed to notice. Yes, the sword drill. It has been dying without fanfare in the background,
lost in the sea of iPhones and Androids.
People no longer have to know the books of the Bible, they don’t
even have to know the order anymore. You
can now just sort the list alphabetically if you’d like. This current generation will never know what it was like to
hold that 300lbs family bible in the air, the blood slowly draining from your
tiny little hands waiting for the Sunday school teacher to yell out “John 3:16”. Everybody mad scrambling to find the right
John in the New Testament. The really
keener kid had a sticky note attached to the page already, a couple of kids
try and start saying it from memorization, but that just turns into a shouting
match on who can get it out first. Then
the sunday school teacher politely reminds us we must FIND it first, the room then goes quiet
for a few more seconds before Johnny finds it.
Kid you were amazing, Johnny has already collected Halloween
Harvest Festival levels of candy on his chair from being quick with his mind
and fingers. You will be missed too Johnny.
Those days are gone and no one is talking about it. The internet is a silent killer, and it has
put the sword drill to death Dexter style. The internet just destroys, and sometimes we aren't even aware of everything it is killing. No where did I put my felt board baby Jesus?
Filsinger is a husband, father, hockey lover, video game producer
and aspiring social architect. He has been in part time youth
ministry for the last six years in Charlottetown, PEI. You can find
him on twitter @rfilsinger or read his rarely updated blog at
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