Saturday, 31 March 2012

Going Slow with Dr. Low

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday which marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent before the Season of Easter.  The word holy in Greek & Hebrew refers to “that which has been set apart”.  It could be a person or event or building which has been set apart for a special purpose, usually religious and usually in reference to worshiping God.  It is the idea of someone or something being separate from the ordinary, something sacred.  This is what Holy Week is supposed to be, a special week set aside that looks and feels different than the rest of the year as we prepare to honor the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Weekend.

You can't set something apart or make something special without slowing down long enough to pay attention to it and savor it.  This is why Christmas and Easter often sneak up on people so quickly and are over before you know it.  Holy Week is designed to slow us down and help us focus on Jesus so the Easter Celebration becomes a deeper, more meaningful experience rather than just another long weekend where we eat turkey and go shopping.

Over the next several days I encourage you to take a few hours, or at least several minutes, to focus more on Jesus than you normally would so that this week leading up to Easter would be holy indeed - set apart as a special time of personal prayer and reflection.

God bless you during Holy Week.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Bullying in Youth Ministry

What do you teach from the bible about bullying?

If you don't have a plan, get one. Don't know where to start? Contact me, I'll help you. If you don't think it's worth teaching or even addressing in youth ministry, you should step out of your role in youth ministry and find another vocation?

Why do we only care about the spiritual lives of the kids in our youth groups and not their physical and emotional needs as well?

The Bully Project is in select theatre today.
MUST SEE movie for all youth workers.

Jeff Smyth is husband to Heather and father of one active boy Nathan. He has been involved youth ministry leadership for 15 years in both the local church and non-profit areas of Canada. He has been serving for the past 3 years as the coordinator of community initiatives with the Scarborough are of Youth Unlimited (Toronto YFC). Learn more about him by visiting his blog or follow him @jeffsmyth

Thursday, 29 March 2012

I knew it! :) 5 Reasons Why You Should Take a Nap Every Day

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Giving Back

I used the charitable-giving website, CHIMP, a few weeks ago to send a donation to the camp I spent every summer at as a kid. This camp, Gull Lake Baptist Camp, was so central to my development as a person and a Christian - it shaped me in the deepest and most meaningful ways during my most formative years. Most of my closest relationships to this day (including my wife) began at summer camp over 20 years ago. I am now sending my two boys to camp every summer because I know what a valuable experience it is for them on so many levels.

When given the opportunity to send a donation through CHIMP it didn't take long to know who I wanted to send the donation too - I love supporting Gull Lake Baptist Camp because I know they shape hundreds of lives every year.

What I like about giving through CHIMP is it's so easy to use and has so many features. One of the best features is being able to send money to a friend or family member for them to donate to the charity of their choice. We all have friends or family members who do things for us but refuse to accept money from us, like parents or grandparents. CHIMP allows us to say thank you by sending them a donation to pass onto whomever they'd like.

Check it out here!

Praying Passionately for Daniel Sedin: A First-Hand Account

Much has been made in the last couple of days about the Passion Vancouver event that took place at Rogers Arena last Friday evening and in particular the prayer for concussed-Canuck Daniel Sedin led by the founder of the Passion Movement, Louie Giglio.

And while a couple of blogs have done a decent job of presenting and analyzing what happened, I can offer you a perspective that they can’t:  a first-hand account as I was present at the event. Not only was I in attendance at the Passion event, I also attended a pre-event dinner hosted by Louie.  But more on that later.

As part of my job as the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver, I sat on the Advisory Team for Passion Vancouver.  Per the official website, “Passion exists to glorify God by uniting students in worship, prayer and justice for spiritual awakening in this generation.”

We had been meeting and praying for the success of the event for months prior to last Friday and as a gracious gesture of appreciation I was invited to the pre-event dinner held in the Rogers Arena Captain’s Room.  I met a lot of great people including Miss Canada 2011 Tara Teng.

One of us seems a tad happier than the other.  But I digress.

During the dinner, Louie Giglio went out of his way to thank all of us for our work and service in helping bring Passion to Vancouver.  He mentioned that Vancouver is the only city outside of the United States where Passion has held events three times – largely in part to the willingness of the Aquilini family to host the event in Rogers Arena.  Louie thanked Paolo Aquilini (who was in attendance at both the dinner and the concert) and then segued into talking about the Vancouver Canucks and their massive popularity here.  He then reflected on how his hometown of Atlanta was particularly good at grooming NHL teams to move to Canada (the Flames and more recently the Jets).  I chuckled as Louie said “So once we get another team we’ll get them ready and ship them back up to you.”

As dinner completed we hastily made our way to our seats in the Arena…but not before I snapped my picture with Tara.  Okay…I’ll stop mentioning that now.

After worship leader Chris Tomlin opened the event, Louie made his way onto the stage with a couple of items in his hands.  One, we quickly learned, was a Canucks jersey signed by the entire team  – a gift to Louie from Paolo and the Vancouver Canucks.

The other was the helmet of injured forward Daniel Sedin.  Louie didn’t announce how he obtained the helmet; needless to say it was likely with the permission of Paolo Aquilini after the Passion organizers held their pre-event prayer time in the Canucks’ dressing room.

After publicly thanking the Aquilini family in front of the 12,000 people in attendance, Louie shared a few words about the Canucks and Atlanta’s knack for losing their hockey teams to Canada (similar to what he shared with us at dinner).  Then, he suggested that we pray for Daniel’s recovery from his concussion.

After allowing for 35 seconds of spontaneous prayer, Louie led the attendees in a prayer of thanksgiving for the Aquilini family and for the arena, the city and team.  He ended off by praying for Daniel’s recovery.  At the time, I felt that it was a very powerful and genuine gesture.  It didn’t feel out of place for the main reason that this was a gathering of Christians praying for a Canuck player AND NOT a gathering of Canucks fans with some Christian prayer in it. There is a HUGE difference.  If people were not interested in praying for Daniel’s recovery then it was their prerogative not to join in…much like any other element of the night.

Also, Louie didn’t pray for the Canucks to win their next game, to win a playoff series or two, or to win the Stanley Cup.  He didn’t pray for Daniel the hockey player; he prayed for Daniel the human being.  For full healing and recovery.  For goodness and fullness of life.  For his heart, and everything going on his life.
You’ll hear from the video Louie saying “And we pray God that You just let him know…there are people praying for him tonight – not for what he can do, not for how he can score, not for how many assists he has, but we just love him tonight God because he is Yours.”

Immediately after the prayer concluded, I was happily surprised at what had just transpired.  It was quite moving to be among 12,000 people praying together.  I went to both Twitter and Facebook with a simple post:

12,000 people at Rogers Arena praying for the health of Daniel Sedin…powerful stuff.
Unbeknownst to me, my buddy Joseph posted the video up in the message boards and in 24 hours it had accumulated over 13,000 views and 300 replies.  Everyone seemed to have an opinion as to its appropriateness, its effectiveness, or its relevance.  It’s come to be expected when talking sports and faith.

Was the prayer genuine?  Absolutely.  Was it a way to show Vancouver that Passion was in tune with the city and culturally relevant?  Without a doubt.  Was it a strategic and smart way to engage the crowd?  Certainly.

And I loved every minute of it.

Clayton Imoo is husband to Gail and father to sons Sean Isaiah and Jacob Isaac and daughter Kayla Marie.  He has served as the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver for the past ten years.  Learn more about him at or follow him @claytonimoo

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Money for Monkeys

One of the coolest gifts I have ever been given was some Chimp money.
chimp money is not a currency that is used by chimps.
Chimp is a online tool that allows you to give money away in a fun and thoughtful way.
I got an email one day saying that my friend gave me $30 to give away through chimp.
I signed up and there it was, thirty big ones, sitting in my account ready to be given to any registered charity I wanted.  I spent half an hour looking through different charities that I like.  I think I gave that first gift to a ministry called Gospel for Asia.  Since then, I have been able to use chimp as a platform to share the fun of giving with others and to help my wife and I give more thoughtfully.
Another thing i love about chimp; when I give to chimp, I get one tax receipt at the end of the year and I can give to organizations anonomously so I don't end up on lots of mailing lists, even though it feels cool to get mail.

Chimp is one little tool that can help create a culture of generosity.

You can find out more about it at

Jason is the Director of Campusfire and Youth Alpha in Canada. He and his wife Rachael live in langley.  

Monday, 26 March 2012

Students Long To Be Known

If you have been in students ministry for any amount of time, you know that relationships define the existence of teenagers. They live and die by the drama, by the BFFs and new worst enemies and it’s a constant wave of excitement and devastation as the seasons of their friendships come and go. We have all been teenagers before and know how vital those relationships are and how important friends are to having a great or miserable high school experience.

With the understanding of the value of relationships we need to be abundantly aware that students who come to our youth groups are less concerned with our deep v-neck worship team and sweet stage setup and more about finding meaningful friendships. The stats for adults and teens are similar in that a student will likely try your youth group 3 times and will leave if they d o not make a meaningful friendship in that time.

For us reaching out to community students, how will we ever help students enter into a relationship with Jesus if we can’t even help them develop a friendship with another student. Fellowship is very underrated and the more that we can help foster community, the more we can foster relationship and the more we can foster a culture where students are known. Where students know each other’s stories, know their past and pray for their future. Where students understand that they are acceptable because of Jesus.

Geoff Stewart is the Youth Pastor at Peace Portal Alliance Church in Surrey B.C. where he oversees Journey Student Ministries. He is married to Lavonne and they have two cats, Norman and Puff Daddy. Geoff Blogs all over the place and tweets often, but not TOO often. Follow him on twitter @geoffcstewart.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Detox Headache: Releasing the Toxin's of the Mind

I found it hard to focus on the court with this pulsating pain tormenting me from the eyes up. This wasn’t a normal headache, it was a DETOX headache. Yep, my body was revolting because it wasn’t getting its usual five cent candy feed. During a detox the toxins in your body are shown the way out, but during this process your muscles tighten causing headaches.

Week Two into this Egypt Detox: Releasing the Toxin’s of my mind, I am experiencing these mental headaches. My BlackBerry decided to take a dip in my glass of water. I thought I saved it! Made a couple calls and then later it died. I called on my miracle working God to save my Smartphone. I put my phone in a bed of rice for the day and then took the vacuum cleaner hose to it and sucked the water out (Youtube says this speeds up the process). The next morning, I powered it up and the green light lit up! I danced, but realized the charge wouldn’t hold. So I charged it over night and in the morning I discovered it short circuited and now it’s dead...Not mostly Dead... Really Dead.

I am currently using a friends old phone. OLD. With annoying rings, a multiple letter keypad. It can’t read my SIM Card because the memory is too small. It’ll cost me $339 to replace my phone which is money I do not have. My phone provider said, “We can order it for you today and just put it on your phone bill and you can pay it off later.” My head starts throbbing. Tempting. It’s so easy to take matters into my own hands. I could have a new phone right now through credit!

God’s been teaching me to expect from Him. I’ve been reading the story of Joseph and the main message is to Trust HIM! The principles I’ve been meditating on and what God has shown me and taught me the last couple of weeks are being challenged and It’s not just the phone, it is my friend and a family members health, it’s one of the teens who has been admitted to the mental health unit, its promoting and covering the costs for a girls conference I’m organizing.

We serve a God who wants us to walk into each day with specific expectations because He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. (Eph.3:30) It’s a faith challenge and experiment. I will not cave in and go back to doing things on my own strength. He is the I Can God.

Youth Worker, Your Maker likes you and He wants to meet and supersede your expectations this year personally, within the youth ministry and out in your community. Trust the detox process, don’t reach for the coffee or the sugar representing our old habits. The headaches are a result of our old thinking and actions being challenged. God’s is using the circumstances of life to release the old ways of thinking, liberating your body from responding to life as the rest of society deals with life. You are set apart for His holy purpose, trust the God of the universe, that your mind may be renewed through new experiences.

Alison is a professional Youth Speaker, Co-Writer of the HEROES 2 Curriculum and Founder of the Young Woman of Power Conference. Based out of Calgary Alison is Inspiring Teen Greatness with a focus on youth in the community. With 15 years of experience her mission is to raise up a Generation of Confident Youth.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Ages & Stages

We all know the "ages & stages" realities of youth today. Marko even wrote a new book about it called, "Understanding Your Young Teen".

Three quick questions about your approach to ministering to the young people in your current ministry:
  1. How do you program effectively based on youth developmental stages?
  2. How do you teach the spirituality of messiness and disciplines in the ages and stages?
  3. How do you integrate the realties in to the golas and outcomes of your overall ministry?
Do or do not. There is no try.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Confessions of a Youth Minister’s Son

Last Friday, our Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (OYYAM) for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver held its annual FREEDOM event: a unique reconciliation service that gives youth and young adults an opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ in a real and profound way through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

(A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace; there are 7 sacraments that we celebrate in the Catholic faith).

It was quite an amazing sight to see close to 400 people go to confession.  And it got me thinking of this story I wrote a few years ago:

Sean received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first-time this past Thursday as he prepares to receive his First Communion in May. It was fortuitous timing that Sean’s First Confession was the day before FREEDOM, the OYYAM’s annual youth reconciliation event.

So in the midst of my last-minute planning for FREEDOM, I sat Sean down on Thursday night to ask him about his experience and to pray with him in thanksgiving.

“So what did you confess?” I asked him.

“Dad, I’m not supposed to tell you!!!” was Sean’s quick reply.

“Very good son” I answered, actually covering up the fact that I forgot that I wasn’t supposed to ask him about what he confessed.

“But if you really want to know…” Sean continued. I smiled sheepishly, not sure if I should encourage him, discourage him, or run and hide.

“Just give me a summary then” I said.

“Well, I confessed all the names that I call Jacob. You know, names like dork, dummy-head, clown, goofball…”

I cut him off while trying to maintain a straight face. “Okay, Sean, that’s enough! I get the point!”

Turning to the task at hand, I decided to probe a bit further.

“Hey Sean: why do you think we’re calling our confession event FREEDOM?” I was curious as to how he’d answer.

“Because Jesus died on the cross to free us from our sins” Sean replied, “and in doing so our hearts are made anew.”

I offered up a prayer in thanksgiving: Sean’s answer confirmed that he did indeed understand the importance of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Good thing he didn’t ask me about my confessions!

Clayton Imoo is husband to Gail and father to sons Sean Isaiah and Jacob Isaac and daughter Kayla Marie.  He has served as the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver for the past ten years.  Learn more about him at or follow him @claytonimoo

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Happy World Storytelling Day & the first day of Spring

5 steps to help your student start a prayer group

One of the best ways we can engage our students with the mission of Jesus is through encouraging them to be part of a school prayer group.

You might have had a student express a desire to start a prayer group for their school.  If you are wondering what to say check this out!

Here are the 5 P's for a starting a prayer group:

Find at least one friend that would be willing to commit to praying with you on a regular basis. Most prayer groups in canada are not large but are made up of a few people who have committed to meeting together on a regular basis to pray. Perhaps this person is someone from your church, or youth group or someone at your school that you know has a heart for prayer.  Together you can walk through the next 4 steps.  Jesus and His disciples demonstrated the importance of working together.  Remember, school prayer groups are not reserved for one church but are open to anyone who wants to meet and pray.

We want to respect the people who lead our schools, so getting permission is a respectful thing to do. Find a sponsor teacher.  This is a teacher who you know and is willing to open their classroom to you and back you up.  When you have a sponsor teacher, you can arrange a meeting with your vice principal or principal.  Your sponsor teacher may want to do this for you or you will need to do it yourself(maybe bring along one of your peeps). In the meeting explain why you want to do a prayer group. Describe what would happen in a typical meeting, explain that everyone is welcome and that you will leave the classroom cleaner than before.  If the school is not willing to give you permission, that is ok.  We suggest that you find a nearby home or church and have your meetings there.  

This stage is going to be happening at the same time as PERMISSION. Decide on a regular time and place. We suggest that you meet weekly. We also suggest that you gather before school so that your lunch times and after school time can be spent with friends. We are praying that we would shine – we need to be with people to shine!

The first idea that usually pops into our head is to put up posters around the school.  This might seem like a good idea at first but it usually has very little impact and can be easily mis understood by others in the school. The best way to promote a prayer group is by word of mouth.  Invite people face to face.  Starting a Facebook group is another great idea. Another great idea is to write a letter to all of the churches in the area.  In the letter, let them know when the prayer group meets and ask the youth pastor to promote this to students in their group.
Pray - This might sound funny but the final step is to pray.  Often, our prayer groups turn into christian clubs or Bible studies.  Those are not bad things but our greatest need is prayer. Christian clubs can become more about hiding from the school but a prayer group is designed to help us meet the needs of others.  Instead of a bible study we would challenge you to start an additional meeting that is designed for outreach. Check out our resources like youth alpha and quest which are designed to help you create a safe place where people in any stage in their spiritual walk can discover Jesus. 

Check out to find out more about student led prayer groups

Monday, 19 March 2012

In Vancouver, a homeless shelter gets an art installation - The Globe and Mail. Go @ugm go!

You May Be Good, But You Are Not That Good

Profound words spoken to me the other day, by our Pastor of Adult Education when were talking about laying out the Youth preaching schedule. He followed it up by saying “I don’t care if you were the Apostle Paul, you should not be preaching every week”. As youth pastors, it’s really easy to get into the ‘just do it myself mode’, we know your students, they know us, we are paid to work with them, why find someone else or pay someone else to do our job?. Here are a few things that I am considering.

Students learn differently: If you have been around students long enough you know that there are no two that are the same; the same goes for how they learn. Some might engage with your stories, some with the Word itself, some with your practical application of the Bible. Bringing in someone else to teach will give your students a new perspective. I have experienced first hand seeing that ‘Eureka!’ moment when a guest speaker explains something I have been trying to get across in a new way and it clicks! It is powerful to sit and watch your student engage, to see them hearing, see them processing and see them get it!

Preaching take a lot of time: If you write your own messages, it takes significant time to outline, research, and, in many cases, rewrite. It is time consuming when you give the process the time it is due. Prepping to speak to 15 students, or 1500, requires the same level of preparation, and to do that week in and week out takes a lot of time and can become exhausting. Take a week off, bring in someone, take that week to refocus, spend time with your students and enjoy the break, it’s a great time to evaluate things.

Students might like them more: This is the single biggest hesitation I have seen, the insecurity that your students will compare you to the person you bring in. Please hear my encouragement that being the guy people bring in is in many ways easier. Recently we had a guest preacher in our Sunday services, he was talented, hilarious, his stories were new, likely true (we didn’t know him) and he didn’t use any notes! It was a home run, but likely a sermon he shared 20+ times, refining the jokes like a stand up comedian. It’s easy to think that the congregation liked him better, but the reality is that he did a great job, but he doesn’t have to speak every week and come up with new ways to communicate to the same people. You love your students; you know their names, their story and that means a lot more to them than a one off great message.

I am working at preaching no more than 75% of the time, bringing in talented speakers, Youth Pastors, volunteer leaders, para-Church organizations who bring the Gospel in a way that I can’t. New voices bring a fresh outlook, a unique perspective and give the students and you a break. In High School you likely don’t have the same teacher for 6 years, then why should you in Youth? What does your preaching schedule look like?

Geoff Stewart is the Youth Pastor at Peace Portal Alliance Church in Surrey B.C. where he oversees Journey Student Ministries. He is married to Lavonne and they have two cats, Norman and Puff Daddy. Geoff Blogs all over the place and tweets often, but not TOO often. Follow him on twitter @geoffcstewart.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Spiritual Practice of the Week

Breathing is the single most important thing we do. Without it, we do not live. Usually, we pay little attention to it - it just seems to happen.
Paying attention to the breathing connects us to our fundamental nature and connection with the Source of Life. 
Even a practice as simple as noticing a breath connects us to God. 
Breathe in, and welcome the Holy into our life; breathe out and let go of what we no longer need.
God’s presence can be described as being as close as the breath within us, and just as essential and life-giving. 
The Divine Spark is indeed our breath.
Pay attention to how being conscious of your breathing makes you feel; how sustained deep breathing calms and nourishes you. Images and thoughts may come to you during the following practices. Pay attention to what you notice. Paying attention to breath is prayer and meditation. The breath is the stuff of the Divine; each response is a pull to life in all its fullness.

Breathing in Yah-weh
Speaking the word Yahweh, (yah-way) Hebrew for God, is practically effortless. 
Yah-weh, two simple syllables.
Sit quietly and comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. 
Breathe deeply and slowly into your belly, filling your body with breath. 
Long and deep, in and out. Let the thoughts that come roll away. Focus on the breath.
Breathe in and say the word yah to yourself within your breath. Breathe out and say the word weh within your breath. Breathe in yah, the very name of God. Breathe out weh. Breathe in yah again. Breathe out weh. Repeat. Continue on with calling God’s name through your breath for as long as you wish. Notice what images or words come to you as you pray through your breath.

© This prayer practice and all of those on the Sunday Morning Blog Post can be found in:  "Go Deep: Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC. 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Going Slow with Dr. Low

Slow Down and Breath Deeply

A few days ago I was driving north on Highway 2 towards Red Deer.  I was late for a meeting so rushing a bit and preoccupied with the speaking engagement I had to prepare for.  When all of a sudden I looked up and saw not just 1 or 2 but 3 large V's of Canada Geese flying north above me.  Our rushed tendency is often to look briefly at such wonders and then quickly race on with the rest of our thoughts, worries and activities.  I was tempted to do just that as I had a lot on my mind (plus I was driving so couldn't stare too long) but God's gentle and loving finger tapped me on the shoulder whispering, "Behold the mystery of the flying Geese; I trained them how to do that.  Spring is here - breathe it in and breathe it in deeply.".

So I did just that.  As much as I could while safely driving I stared at the geese and breathed slowly and deeply.  I breathed in Spring.  It wasn't just an intellectual, cerebral acknowledgement that Spring is here, it was a cry of relief from the depths of my soul that my favorite season has finally arrived after the long winter months, even though it was a mild winter.

Breathing in a moment of truth and wonder deep into your gut is different than simply acknowledging it in your head.  It's hard to explain; you just have to do it and feel it.  Whether it's love, anger, relief, joy or whatever, you likely have felt this deeper acknowledgement before.  This is where real life is felt and lived.

So next time you see, think or feel something which appears to be a gift from God or even an opportunity to thank and praise Him, slow down, maybe even stop, take a deep breath and thank God for the moment.  It is these little moments that help keep us more connected to the Vine.

For some cool lessons on geese click here.

Dr. Rob Low

Friday, 16 March 2012


March Break is finished this weekend and what begins next week is the beginning of spring and soon a transition into summer. The next 90 days of youth ministry are fast and furious and full of transitions. Easter, May long weekend, school & ministry shifting into summer mode, then gearing up for summer planning for your fall launch, PLUS budget planning and submission (if your organization is in this cycle.

Here's a few things that you can do to keep your schedule balanced and your spiritual life in tact during the next 90-120 of ministry before September.

  1. Pray. Schedule a daily time of prayer, asking God for wisdom, discernment, and guidance as you start to make plans. Asking Him that you will be sensitive to the leading of His Holy Spirit as you move ahead and the days in the calendar tick by.
  2. Notes. Make lots and lots of notes of what you're hearing God say and what you are hearing the Holy Spirit say to you about what the future holds.
  3. Read. Don't just read ministry books, read biographies of George Muller & Hudson Taylor, both free on KOBO as suggestions.
  4. Share. Share your ideas and thoughts about the future of ministry with 3 trusted individuals. Two should be key volunteers and one ministry peer, that you respect, from another ministry. Get their thoughts and ideas of what you're sharing from your heart and conversations with God.
I'm praying for you that you will have fun in the next 90-120 days and that they will also be some of the best days of your ministry year. We start this thing all back up in September.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Little is Much - A God who is Generous

I love how God's economy works. I must admit that I don't fully understand it and live according to it but I do want to grow in it. God is a God who takes our little feeble efforts and turns them into a supernatural contribution to the kingdom. Could you imagine if our youth ministries lived according to that?

I was reminded today of a great story from the Old Testament from 2 Kings 4:1-7 where we truly see that God was at work in the life of a family. A woman has nothing left, she literally has lost everything and cries out to Elisha as a last resort for help.

Question: How quick are we to turn to God for help?

Elisha tells her to go into her house and get her sons to collect jars from the neighbours. Could you imagine being the sons asking for jars from your neighbours even though when you don't know why you are asking for the jars.

Question: Who are you involving in helping solve your messes?

As the boys bring the jars to their mom, she takes her little contribution of oil and God supernaturally turns it into too much oil for the family as they run out of jars. The boys would have seen the providential power of God in the solution of their family's problem.

Question: What "little" contribution is God asking you to make so that He can supernaturally turn it into His solution?

This simple model of "little is much" in God's economy is a great reminder for us in youth ministry to show students how God truly works in the world today. God is a God who we need to cry out for help all the while involving the community around us to shoulder our mess. God is looking for us to make the initial contribution so that He can show His power.

At CYW, you have the opportunity to be generous by supporting a charity of your choice with $50 and having CYW and our friends over at the Chimp Fund match that $50. It is our way of partnering with you as you make a small contribution to this world.


Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Reflections from Ottawa: Leadership Development & The New Evangelization

You may recall that last I week I wrote a blog just prior to the start of the CCYMN (Canadian Catholic Youth Ministry Network) National Youth Ministry Conference in Ottawa on the conference theme of "Be Still and Know That I Am Your God.

As expected, the conference affirmed me, inspired me, humbled me, and challenged me.  During the conference, I was interviewed by Cheridan Eygelaar of Salt + Light TV for their blog on their website (Salt + Light TV is our national Catholic TV station).

We spoke about some of our office initiatives, my thoughts on the New Evangelization, and some of the challenges of ministering to an increasingly “plugged-in” generation.


Clayton Imoo is husband to Gail and father to sons Sean Isaiah and Jacob Isaac and daughter Kayla Marie.  He has served as the Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver for the past ten years.  Learn more about him at or follow him @claytonimoo

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Know someone looking for work? Check out the job posting by @freethechildren Manager of Youth Programming

Monday, 12 March 2012

How to Defuse Angry Parents

There are few things that give me that uneasy feeling more than the flashing voicemail light the morning after a Youth Event. Things didn’t go well, you might have brought the students back an hour late from the amusement park, lost your temper with a kid, allowed a trout to be thrown across the gym and land in the church’s air intake vent (this happened to me). These things happen, and they can really put a bee in the bonnet of a parent or colleague. Here are 4 proven ways to diffuse a hostile and angry person or situation.

Get the Facts Straight: If you know in advance that you will be speaking with an upset parent take the time to speak to several parties involved, get a timeline, who was there and how it happened. If you are uncertain of the event, or worse did not know that it happened, things are not going to go well. Parents want to know that you are in control and aware.

Genuinely Listen: The person that has called you has likely rehearsed in their head what they plan to say, how they planned to say it and the three points that they wanted to make. If you interrupt them, this will take them off their script, and likely make them more upset. Listen intently, subtle verbal cues (if on the phone) or physical (no crossed arms) will tell them you care about what they have to say. Repeat back to them the facts that they have presented so you are clear on what they are concerned about.

Own it: If you screwed up, admit it. Nothing and I mean nothing will diffuse a situation like saying, “ you are right, it was totally my fault, and I am sorry.” You admitting fault will catch them off guard, passing the buck or blame shifting will only make them more irrate. Once you have taken the blame, tell them what you are going to do about it. Have a plan for making it right and be sure to see that it happens.

Affirm the Concern: In the midst of the anger and potentially yelling, find something to affirm the person who is upset. It could be that you appreciate that they cared enough to come down, or that they are involved in their students lives to a point that they would find out what happened and come talk to you about it.

Angry parents are inevitable in Youth Ministry, but knowing how to deal with them and getting them back on your side quickly will help. Show Grace always, and avoid getting upset yourself.

Geoff Stewart is the Youth Pastor at Peace Portal Alliance Church in Surrey B.C. where he oversees Journey Student Ministries. He is married to Lavonne and they have two cats, Norman and Puff Daddy. Geoff Blogs all over the place and tweets often, but not TOO often. Follow him on twitter @geoffcstewart.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Spiritual Practice of the Week

I am mindful this morning that it was one year ago that the earthquake hit Japan, triggering the Tsumani and the Nuclear disaster that followed.  The images were surreal, we felt helpless in the midst of such chaos to know how to respond.  What do we do when we can do nothing to stop this kind of suffering and destruction?

Compassion is a response to need. It soothes a broken heart, calms trouble and offers a cup of tea. Addressing the needs of ourselves and others with concern and love is part of being a committed human being and living life fully in God. When we take action for the well-being of ourselves and others, we are taking the biblical message of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” to heart.  There is also tremendous power in reaching out to another by holding them in prayer. Responding to someone’s needs with prayer takes compassionate action to a deeper place. Praying for another to be held in the love and grace of God, to know peace of mind, body, and spirit, brings you both into the place of meeting God.
This practice of praying for the world is meant to awaken our inherent compassion and ask for the needs of others to be soothed, met, cared for.  

Praying for the World
This is a practice of offering prayer for the places in the world where violence, conflict, natural disaster and suffering are happening. Have the group create an image of the earth on a large piece of white paper or cardboard. Alternatively, use a large map or a globe (sometimes you can find globes in beach ball form). Have people work together to create your planet Earth. Once the Earth is complete, place it on table or floor so that the whole group can gather around.
Bring out a few copies of national and local newspapers. Have people work in small groups clipping articles about situations that cause them concern. Then gather in a circle and share the stories, holding a moment of silence after each one and having the person who reads then light a candle.   Place or stick (with tape) each clipping on the globe or map and then light a candle and place it on top of the clipping (if using a map) or on the table around the globe. Go around the circle, allowing each person to share.    End with a group prayer.

Closing Prayer
Oh Great Spirit.   We pray for all the places we have read about today and those we have named aloud. We are still when we hear of so much suffering. Help us find the small thing we can do with great love to bring wholeness to this earth and to all the people and animals.  Help us to remember those who suffer.  Amen

A Prayer for Japan
Hope is a small thing, fragile and strong.
Giver of life, ancient of days,
Reveal deep hope in us; guide us in your ways. Amen. 

© This prayer practice and all of those on the Sunday Morning Blog Post can be found in:  "Go Deep: Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC.