Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Communication - Don't let it breakdown

Right now we have more ways to communicate with each other than ever before.  I know a large portion of my life is actually looking down reading something off my phone.  Yet we as humans continue still struggle with the basic forms of communication(Eye contact, listening, asking good questions).

 Something I've struggled with over the years is that during the week my job requires that I am in constant communication with people all day long and at a moments notice.  So when it came time for a youth activity or being with more people I tended to clam up and not be as open as I should have been.  It is something I am working personally.

Answer honestly some of the questions I've put together and see where that might lead you this week.

  • What are you doing this week to work on your communication? 
  • Do you suffer from being overly connected for long periods of time? 
  • How do you handle it when you are not connected?
  • What is one thing I can do this week be a better communicator?
  • How can I connect with a youth this week that I haven't previously?


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