Saturday, 22 September 2012

Public Speaking Tip: What's in your hand. Utilizing Your Strengths

So you say you’re not a public speaker. When it comes to speaking you may see yourself as boring.  I want you to know that is so far from the truth. Have I got a tip for you. Why not use what you know as an outline for your next message.

It’s time to change it up! Do something different. Utilize your strengths.

You are an expert at something! Entwine what you love into your speaking.  Do you have a hobby of fixing cars, surfing/snowboarding, perhaps you are an organize freak and have mastered the art of packing. Utilize your expertise to relay a valuable message to students.
What is something that you like to do? For me it’s volleyball. It’s my favourite sport, I play it and I coach it. Currently it’s fall which is volleyball season at school. School cuts were just made and league games are underway. What strength can I offer my students? I can teach students how to properly serve a ball and use that as the frame work, to outline the message that I want to share with them.

I will Demonstrate.
The most common mistake people make with an Overhand Serve is the following. Use it to aim and steady your hand.
Once a person tosses the ball with their throwing arm (left hand if a righty, right hand if a lefty) that arm  commonly falls to the wayside while they unleash their hitting power with their hitting hand, causing an off balanced unreliable serve. If the server keeps their throwing arm in the air and uses it to point at the tossed ball, that arm now helps guide you to track the tossed ball while in the air, as well as keeping you balanced for the hit it. The Server will experience a more consistent serve.
Sometimes we use Jesus like we do our tossing hand. You know Him as your Saviour; He’s serves you as a pick me up, lifting you out of your mess but then you leave Him on the wayside, that’s as far as you go with Him. This is why your relationship with Christ is inconsistent, and your Faith walk is unreliable.
John 10:27-28 says: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.
There is more to Christ, He wants to be your Lord as well. The one to stabilize you through whatever life throws at you.

HEY!!! What do you think? I have now added props to my talk and I can integrate crowd participation too by calling up a student up who made the volleyball team this year, or maybe a kid I know who got cut and would like to improve. I have a volleyball in my hand, it’s something I love to do and I can use it to sharing a valuable message with students.
So what’s in your hand? Is it cooking, football plays, military strategies, learning to drive a car, taming a toddler, algebra, or how to beat level 5 in a commonly played video game. Whatever you’re into...Use it as a teaching opportunity. Utilize your strengths in your speech.

Check out Yahya Bakkar a youth speaker who uses Beatbox to relay his message.
A member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers (CAPS) Alison has dedicated her time to developing her gift of Public Speaking so that her listeners would believe the truth that she shares and to raise up other strong youth communicator’s in Canada. She has been speaking full time for four years and is currently enrolled in Youth Speakers University.
Speaking Tips are from Alison’s Public Speaking Enhancement Workshop for any inquires message her today.

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