Sunday, 9 September 2012

Spiritual Practice of the Week: starting and ending right
It’s the new year for Youth Ministry.  Happy New Year!  As we begin this year of meeting together I offer these two prayers, a simple way to begin and end the youth group meeting.  Begin by being around in a circle and offer the opening prayer.  Follow this with a checkin where you go around the circle giving each person space to share who their week was, how their lfe is going, perhaps sharing the best thing and worst thing about their week.  End the meeting in the same way, sit in a circle, light a candle, offer a blessing and a prayer.  Stillness.  
My question for you as you begin this new year:  “What are you offering the youth who walk in through the door of your youth room that is unlike anything they can get from the world out there?”

Prayer for the beginning a Youth Group Meeting: 
God who is our beginning, Jesus who is our friend, you are the place we all come from, the one we are made like; we are gathered together to celebrate life. Gathered today are (list the names of all gathered), children of God. We are people seeking community, your light among us, good in the world, and ways to connect with each other and the mysterious presence of you in our lives. Be with us tonight as we gathering in faith. Amen.

Prayer for the ending a Youth group Meeting
God who is our end:  We give thanks for this place, these people, this time, this chance to live and serve together.  Thank you for the light that is you within us.  Grant us strength for the week to come.  Peace be with you all until we meet again. Amen.

© This prayer practice and all of those on the Sunday Morning Blog Post can be found in:  "Go Deep: Spiritual Practices for Youth Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing
Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC. 

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