Be welcome to use this service at an upcoming meeting with youth or young adults.
Preparation: Have pieces
of red string cut into lengths long enough to be tied around a person’s wrist. Set
the space as you wish, with a central Christ candle. Invite people to settle around the candle in
a circle, perhaps have some music playing to quiet the space.
Opening Words: Jesus
says, follow me. All of
us have different reasons for being here tonight: maybe you came for friendship
and fun, or because your parents made you come, or because you felt alone. But
we all in some way have chosen to be here and to follow. Following isn’t always
easy. Sometimes it’s hard, lonely, or weird and doesn’t make sense. So
what does it mean in your life to follow? This is a story about some people who chose to
follow a long time ago.
Read Mark
1: 16-20
this question: What does following mean
for you? Invite people to share their responses with the people around them. Give
time for some in-depth conversation.
Song: choose a song familiar to your group on this
theme of Following.
Action Words: Often Christians wear the symbol of a cross
as a sign that they are connected to the life of Jesus. Today we offer this
string to tie around your wrist as a symbol that you know you are following the
path of Jesus.
Take a
piece of string and ask someone in the room to tie it onto your wrist. When tying
on the string, say the person’s name first and then say, “You are a child of
God.” Think about what it means to wear this string. Think about what you will say
to people if they ask about the string. You may choose to tell people about the
meaning behind the string, or keep it to yourself. How will the string be an action of sharing
and reflection.
Closing Prayer: Jesus,
our brother and friend. We are thankful that we have freedom to follow you if
we choose. We remember those around the
world who are persecuted for living out their faith. We are thankful that there is a path to walk
with you. We come to all the gifts, challenges, and blessings that following
you brings, we draw the circle wide to include all in your love, with eyes wide
open to life and to one another. Amen.
© This prayer practice and all of those on the Sunday Morning Blog Post
can be found in: "Go Deep: Spiritual Practices for Youth
Ministry" Wood Lake Publishing. Doris is the Youth Director for the United Church of Canada in BC and
the Director of World Pilgrim Awareness Travel.
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