Monday, 31 March 2014


Today before walking to the bus I played catch with my 7yr. We had an extra few minutes before we had to leave so we were both talking about it being opening day across major league baseball today. The Smyth family are huge Toronto Blue Jays fans and after a disastrous 2013 season we are now on the verge of a new season which brings hope. Hope for a better season, better pitching, actually better everything over last year.

Once you choose hope, anything is possible!

So my five minutes before our walk to the bus brought up many memories for me. You see, I grew up without a father so actually playing catch with my son is very special for me. He is experiencing something that I was never able to experience. He is talking about hope with dad, he is making crazy throws and diving for catches and we are both laughing together because when you play catch with your dad, anything is possible.

Now in your own life, when you are alone and it is just you and God, do you have hope? When you are with your family at mealtime, doing homework or playing, do you have hope? As you prepare and plan for your youth ministry for today, this week, this month, this season, do you have hope? Anything is possible in any area of your life!

Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope.
-  1 Chronicles 29:15 

Jeff loves Jesus, his wife and family. He has been married for 12 years and he has one of the most energetic boys in the world. Jeff is also a life long fan of the Toronto Blue Jays & Montreal Canadiens. You can connect with Jeff online: Jeff Smyth BlogTwitterFacebook, LinkedInGoogle+

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