Men, How You Can
Build Her Up
The constant battle females struggle with is not feeling
good enough. Their value and self-image seems to be constantly challenged. Men,
what can you do to help the teen girls, your female youth workers grow in confidence?
Complement The
Qualities You Admire In Her.
There are many myths that females believe to be true ie.
Guys only want one thing…sex or smart women intimidate Guys. Gentleman, Is that
Be a Myth Buster by complementing her on the qualities that
you do admire. For example, you are
playing an outdoor wide game and you see some Jr. high guy just thrash this
girl. She falls to the ground, gets her bearings, with her hair disheveled she
wipes the blood from her nose, gets back up and into the game. Male youth
pastor, stop that girl (before she gets blood on everyone) and tell her, “Wow, Jill you got hit hard, are you
alright? I’ve got to say, I admire
females who are resilient! When you get knocked down, you get up again. That is
admirable. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
What you are doing is educating girls on the qualities that
men do appreciate. What do you see? Is
she standing up for herself or others? Tell her that you admire females who are
willing to speak up or fight for justice. There are too many girls who stay
quiet is that what you want to nurture? Let your female youth leader know that
you appreciate her tears, her moral stance, her leadership or quick thinking,
that these qualities are so admirable. Whatever internal characteristic you see,
identify it and tell her. This will reteach girls about what qualities are
important to men. They will rise to the occasion instead of dumbing down, or
just focusing on their external features.
Speak of her inner qualities and females will begin to learn
that guys value who they are inside and that confidence is beautiful.
Ladies, How You Can
Build Her Up
Females have a tough time getting along with each other
because they feel that other females are judging them. There is something you
can do to break that myth and help teen girls be confident in how God made them.
2. Complement Her
On Her Physical Beauty.
We don’t hear it enough. Ladies, how many of you have seen a
female walk through the mall and thought to yourself, ‘Wow, I love her hair‘ or ‘That’s
a cool outfit.’ Did you tell her or
did you just think it?
How would it make you feel if a random female came up to you
and complemented you on how you looked that day? You would experience a really
random rush.
So many females struggle with how they view themselves
including that lady you see in the mall and the girl that came through the
doors of your church or youth centre. Who knows what battle that kid faced with
her hair or she may be feeling a little insecure about what she’s wearing. Female
Youth Pastor, don’t hold back, tell her that she is a beauty! She came to youth
wearing no make up...you noticed, comment on the beauty of her skin. She hates her freckles but you love them.
Tell her. This may seem superficial, but don’t be fooled, it’s powerful. How
many of your teen girls have a hard time seeing their beauty, including
yourself? By complementing their physical features, you are helping them to
identify their beauty. Many girls, when
asked what is their favourite feature, reply saying their eyes. Why is that? I
believe it’s the feature that they are complemented on the most.
No more silent complements, give a voice to those thoughts
and help the females in your life see their beauty and embrace it while restoring the girl to girl
relationship at the same time.
We are blessed to live in a Nation that is so international.
My prayer is that we here in Canada would be able to influence nations by our example
in the way we speak to women and how we intentionally build them up and empower
This International Women’s Day build the confidence of the
women in your life by speaking to their inner strengths and helping her see her
If you want to be intentional about building your girls
confidence, send your teen girls and their youth leaders and mothers to the
Young Women of Power Conference April 25-26th in Calgary Alberta.
Visit our website for more information or email us.
Founder of the Young Woman of Power (YWOP) Conference, Alison develops programs
that are designed to build girls confidence such as the YWOP PivotFWD workshop
which she delivers in Calgary’s Youth Judicial System. Alison’s heart for young
women is to see the statistics of violence against women decrease and to see
females become counter culture/culturally dangerous by growing in true
confidence. For more info or to book Alison as a speaker visit www.ywop.ca
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