Saturday, 1 March 2014

Great thoughts from Mark Buchanan interview

Yesterday (Feb 28th, 2014) I got the chance to interview Mark Buchanan. There were a couple of things he talked about that really challenged my thinking.

First, in regards to youth pastors, he talked about valuing the things that are important to your senior pastor. The most important thing in Saul's kingdom period was the fight against the Philistines. While Saul was king, David poured his life into that battle. Goliath was only one part, collecting twice as many foreskins as required was another. We see in David's personal life and in his kingdom period, that the surrounding peoples weren't an issue! David lived and worked amongst the Philistines. David engaged Hittites, Canaanites, etc in his armies! The battle with the Philistines was Saul's passion, not David's; yet David engaged whole heartedly in it while he was under the leadership of Saul. What is it that your supervisor values highly, that isn't an issue for you? Are you willing to pour your heart and energy into that? Mark says that this is what it takes to be an effective youth pastor & team member in your job.

Secondly, Mark talked about his perspective on the Sabbath. I really like his take. To over-simplify.... what is it that you get drained of through the work week? Do you get worn out in your heart? In your head space? In your attitudes? In your physical stamina? What is it for you? Is it your intimacy with God? It is those things that we can ought to pour energy into during our sabbath day. If my soul is worn out, then focus the sabbath on renewing your soul. If I am physically worn out, then focus your energy on physical recovery. I like the idea of: "if you work with your hands, then sabbath with your head and heart. If you work with your head, then sabbath with your hands".  Interesting way of thinking about it.

Anyway, here's a link to the full interview - if you haven't watched it, it might be worth the 30 minutes.
VIDEO: interview with mark Buchanan


Dave Brotherton was a youth pastor from 1984-2006 and now teaches youth ministry at Ambrose University College in Calgary. Dave is also the National Youth Guy for the Alliance churches in Canada, the director of Legacy Youth Conference, and a junior high volunteer in his church. Dave is married to Lisa and they share 2 of the greatest kids in the world. Fishing, camping, and cheering on the Leafs are some of his favorite things. 
twitter: @oldbrotherdave

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