Friday, 7 March 2014

Building The Temple (1 Chronicles 22)

Have a quick look at 1 Chronicles 22 through 2 Chronicles 5.

David had a dream. He was crazy passionate about building a temple for God. To say that he was 'driven by this dream' is an understatement. 
If you thumb through 1 Chronicles 22, you'll see that David not only stockpiled his own resources, but he collected from his leaders and then went to the people. In the end, the pile of materials was mind bending. About 8,100,000 lbs of gold; 76,750,000 lbs of silver; 1,350,000 lbs of bronze; 8,000,000 lbs of iron. Putting this into today's economy, 8 million lbs of gold (at 16oz per pound) x 16 ounces x $1000/ounce = over $129 billion in gold alone.

Flip over to chapter 28:9,10,11,12,14,15,19.  David knows he's not the one God is using to build the temple. We have a brilliant description of his hand-off to Solomon. What is involved in this??

  • David clearly (painstakingly) communicates his vision
  • David puts the expectations way high
  • David preps by stockpiling resources
  • David communicates his vision again
  • Detailed instructions so Solomon could carry it out meticulously - has the plans for the cups and candle holders.... And it is all written out!
  • 2Chronicles5:13b,14.   Cloud filled the temple - so thick that the priests couldn't do their work.

So, here's my challenge for you...
What if we approached our youth ministry with the zeal, vigor, intentionality, resources, people, communication, vision, and passion that David approached the building of the temple? We sing about dancing like David (naked... cool) but David exhibited 130 billion times more passion for the building of the temple!!!  What if we sang: "build the temple like David built the temple"....   

Here's my point...
Zip over to 1 Corinthians 6:19. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you.

David stopped at nothing to build a dwelling place for God on earth. He insanely prepared ahead of time, he collected the best of the best resources, he poured out his highest passion, he drove this with clear intentionality, crazy attention to detail,  months, maybe years of dreaming and communicating with great detail to those that would be overseeing and doing the work... he focused on setting them up for success. This would be the BEST. This was going to be the most spectacular thing ever built.

How is my passion for building the New Testament temple? The New testament dwelling place for God on earth ? How is your passion for the cause? This cause makes the popular causes in our world look bland and colourless. David's intentionality in planning and preparation, his attention to detail and his crazy passion to this puts us into perspective.

Build the temple. The most spectacular thing ever built.


Dave Brotherton was a youth pastor from 1984-2006 and now teaches youth ministry at Ambrose University College in Calgary. Dave is also the National Youth Guy for the Alliance churches in Canada, the director of Legacy Youth Conference, and a junior high volunteer in his church. Dave is married to Lisa and they share 2 of the greatest kids in the world. Fishing, camping, and cheering on the Leafs are some of his favorite things. 
twitter: @oldbrotherdave

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