Friday 29 June 2012

Who's Your Step-Pastor?

My friend @willmington posted the following tweets on Twitter one day:
Who's your step-pastor?
Step-pastor = podcast/tv/blog pastor. He feeds you but does he lead you? He inspired you but does he shepherd you?
Not saying step-pastor is at fault. Just wondering if the new "spiritualists" run to step pastors to feel good, while escaping authority?
Do Internet campuses/services perpetuate a step-pastor syndrome?
Again not bashing pod/tv/Internet (especially if my pastor is reading :) But worth considering- beware being or only following a step pastor.
Other thoughts: In recent conversations I've heard very consistently, "Who's podcasts do you listen to?" or "When I was listening to so and so's podcast the other day." Rarely have I heard, "My Sr. Pastor said..."

Who are you following?

1 comment:

Alison D. SPRINGER said...

Step Pastor? Love it. Never thought of it like that. You put out great content Jeff, Keep it up.