Saturday 7 July 2012

Going Slow with Dr. Low

Yesterday I took my 4 and 6 year old boys to Calaway Park.  If you've ever been to an amusement park like Calaway Park, Canada's Wonderland or Disneyland you know you don't always have time to go on every ride.  If you choose to go on every ride you see, especially if the lines are long, you will end up not having time for the best rides at the end of the day.

Many people struggle with trying to squeeze too much into their day to day lives and I find Christian Leaders are amongst those who struggle most.  Many Christian leaders have a personality type that likes to be included in a variety of things and not miss out on anything.  And most Christian leaders have well-meaning hearts where they desire to be involved with many things and help many people.  But the reality is, just like my kids at Calaway Park, there is on so many hours in the day and you can't get to everything.

Thankfully I didn't have to fight with my kids too much - they were willing to skip past a few of the lamer rides knowing there were rides more important to them closer to the end.  How about you, do you choose your relationships and activities wisely or do you struggle with the tyranny of the urgent, taking on whatever opportunities present themselves first.  And do you save some of your valuable time and energy for those people and activities you're truly called to or have you already squandered much of your time and energy by the time you get to the people and things God wanted you to do in the first place?

Like so many things, choosing to live this way involves slowing down and taking some quiet time to discern who and what God wants you to pour most of your time and energy towards rather than just going with the flow.  Going with the flow is easier but it's also very time and energy consuming.  Stop, slow down and ask God what He wants your calendar to look like.

And don't forget to enjoy your summer :)

Rob Low is a Spiritual Life Coach with From Beginning To End Ministries.

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